22 Innovative Urban Designs That are Improving City Life

3. Buses with a Bookcase

Most people who live in the city use public transportation to get around. After all, no one wants to pay those pricey parking rates at the garage. However, traveling on a bus can be boring if you don’t bring anything to read. The solution: some buses are installing their own mini-libraries. Pick the book up when you get on the bus and put it back when you arrive at your stop. You’ll never go on a boring bus ride again. 

4. Charge While You Drive

Worries over global warming are leading more drivers to pick up electric vehicles. Also, most urban centers are striving to reduce smog and pollution in their cities. So, the perfect solution is a dedicated electric car only lane that automatically charges your vehicle as you drive. Electric car drivers don’t have to worry about charging their cars ever again with this invention.

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