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6 Essential Uses for Borax Cleaning Powder

Homesteading is all about finding ways to be done for yourself instead of relying on outside resources. Staples are a big part of this, as in supplies that you can stock up on and use in a variety of different ways. Staples tend to be inexpensive to buy in bulk and essential for a number of DIY homesteading tasks. Flour, salt, and bolts of fabric are all classic staples. But one staple that is often overlooked and undervalued is the humble box of powdered borax. These are 6 Essential Uses for Borax Cleaning Powder.

Borax is one of the most useful (and mild) cleaning products you can stock. In fact, even experienced borax DIY-ers aren’t aware of all the things this simple scrubbing powder can do. If you want to rock your homestead and spend practically nothing on tough cleaning tasks, grab your Borax, and get ready. We’re about to explore the 15 different ways Borax is useful on the homestead.
