Tag: indoor garden

5 Reasons You Should Start Indoor Gardening

Gardening is a key component of homesteading. But, most people think they’ll encounter several obstacles if they try gardening outdoors. However, growing food indoors is an option to explore for everyone from would-be homesteaders to veterans of the self-sufficient lifestyle. So, if you are a bit hesitant, here are five reasons you should start indoor gardening. 

1. Indoor Gardens are Easy to Start

You could begin with an elaborate indoor garden, but it’s not necessary. The only things you need to get started are your plants, containers to grow them, and access to sufficient light. Growing herbs on a windowsill is the easiest way to begin. An herb garden needs at least six hours of light per day. During winter, you may have to place your garden near a south-facing window to get enough light.

2. Setting Up an Indoor Garden is Inexpensive

Your initial expenses are plants and seeds. Instead of buying pot or planters, consider recycling containers you already have. Coffee cans, peanut butter jars, and large yogurt cups often are the right size for plants and windowsills. Adding drainage holes to your DIY containers is important.

3. You Can Garden Even if You Don’t Have Any Land

Indoor gardening is a great choice for apartment dwellers and anyone else who doesn’t access to outdoor space for gardening. You can still exercise your green thumb without any land. You can even save money by growing your own herbs, flowers and vegetables. 

4. You Can Practice Indoor Gardening All Year Long

Since an indoor garden is not limited by season or weather, both new and veteran homesteaders can benefit from one. Imagine how much you’ll appreciate your indoor garden when you’re cooking with fresh herbs during winter.

5. Indoor Gardens are Easy to Expand

Once you master growing herbs on a windowsill, you could be hooked on the benefits of indoor gardening. The good news is it doesn’t take a lot of resources to create a bigger garden. Grow lights give you the ability to grow plants that need more light than herbs. When you add grow lights to your indoor garden, your garden space is no longer limited to your windowsills.

As you can see, gardening indoors is not complicated. Try these tips to start your indoor garden today.